We all want many things in our lives and we often wonder why we don’t get those things. A big part of it has to do with the concept of deserving, or as Louise Hay terms it, “deservability.” If, at the deepest core of our being, we don’t feel we deserve to have what we wish for, that belief will block those things from coming into our lives. We end up settling for less than what we truly desire as a result of our limiting beliefs. To achieve our goals in life, it is necessary to work on our beliefs as well as take concrete actions towards that which we want.
Lot of people have the potential to do remarkable things in life. They also have the ability to do those things. If they don’t feel worthy of those good things in life, then in spite of their efforts they might not be able to achieve those things.
Start with these affirmations:
- I am worthy.
- I deserve.
- I enjoy all the pleasures of life.
- I let of anything that does not serve me.
- Abundance finds it way easily in my life.
- My life is filled with love and gratitude.
Deservability- Inner Work
Once you start practicing the affirmations, you can also do some inner work for worthiness. Sit in a comfortable place where you have least disturbance.
Answer these questions:
- What are my beliefs about being successful and happy?
- What holds me back to be successful and happy?
- If I reflect on my parents’ life what messages do I get regarding success and happiness?
- What exactly I want from life right now?
- Am I allowing these things to come to me?
- What steps do I need to do to get out of my comfort zone?
- Am I willing to let go of my limiting beliefs about deservability?
- If I have to plan a life I want how would it be?
Write a detailed description of what you expect from your life. Write it in present tense.
Example: I have a wonderful life and a job that I love. My colleagues appreciate my work and get along with me nicely. I am recognized for my work. I have the flexibility of time at my work place.